INFORMATIONAL MESSAGE FROM ALERT CAROLINA: Update to Jan. 25 Alert Carolina Informational Message

INFORMATIONAL MESSAGE FROM ALERT CAROLINA: Update to Jan. 25 Alert Carolina Informational Message

Suspect Arrested in Shooting

Chapel Hill Police has arrested Dennis Junious Clark on one felony count of “Attempted First Degree Murder” related to that agency’s investigation into a shooting on West Rosemary Street on the evening of January 24. The victim, whose name has not been released, is being treated at UNC Hospital in Chapel Hill and is not a UNC student.

About Informational Messages: The University sends an Informational Message to inform the campus community about a situation that is not an emergency, but is expected to be of significant interest to the campus. An Informational Message is one of three tiers of communication under the University’s revised emergency communications plan. Emergency Warning refers to a siren activation for a significant emergency. And a Timely Warning is issued if there is a continuing danger AND notification will not compromise law enforcement efforts.Sponsored by the UNC Department of Public Safety